
Welcome to The Billy Base, home of Billy's bits and bobs. Now, you'll find here many a unique creation, whether a song or a tale of betrayal, you'll find it here.

Now you may reasonably ask, "Who is Billy?". As I, a humble guy who only knows how to make a website, can tell you only so much. From what he has told me, he is a young man with great potential, and many stories he wishes to share with the public. However, he has not yet deigned me with his real name, just told me to call him "Billy". As I learn more about our mysterious benefactor, though, I shall update this website with all due haste.

I do so hope you enjoy browsing this website in the near future, once new stories are created and recorded by our friend.

Regards, W


  1. Very impressive work, William! Your thoroughness on all subjects continues to completely astound me!

    You are doing the world a favor, my good sir.

    With enthusiasm,



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